Input parameters


In HiPACE++ all input parameters are obtained through amrex::Parser, making it possible to specify input parameters with expressions and not just numbers. User constants can be defined in the input script with my_constants. = 1.25e24
my_constants.kp_inv = "clight / sqrt(ne * q_e^2  / (epsilon0 * m_e))"
beam.radius = "kp_inv / 2"

Thereby, the following constants are predefined:





elementary charge



electron mass



proton mass



vacuum permittivity



vacuum permeability



speed of light



reduced Planck constant



classical electron radius


For a list of supported functions see the AMReX documentation. Sometimes it is necessary to use double-quotes around expressions, especially when providing them as command line parameters. Multi-line expressions are allowed if surrounded by double-quotes. For input parameters of type string, my_constants can be putinside curly braces {...} to directly paste them into the input parameter. If what is inside the braces is not a my_constants it will be evaluated as an expression using the parser.

General parameters

  • hipace.normalized_units (bool) optional (default 0)

    Whether the simulation uses the normalized unit system commonly used in wakefield acceleration, see e.g. chapter 2 of this reference. Otherwise, the code assumes SI (Système International) unit system.

  • random_seed (integer) optional (default 1)

    Passes a seed to the AMReX random number generator. This allows for reproducibility of random events such as randomly generated beams, ionization, and collisions. Note that on GPU, since the order of operations is not ensured, providing a seed does not guarantee reproducibility to the level of machine precision.

  • hipace.verbose (int) optional (default 0)

    Level of verbosity.

    • hipace.verbose = 1, prints only the time steps, which are computed.

    • hipace.verbose = 2 additionally prints the number of iterations in the predictor-corrector loop, as well as the B-Field error at each slice.

    • hipace.verbose = 3 also prints the number of particles that violate the quasi-static approximation and were neglected at each slice. It prints the number of ionized particles, if ionization occurred. It also adds additional information if beams are read in from file.

  • hipace.do_device_synchronize (int) optional (default 0)

    Level of synchronization on GPU.

    • hipace.do_device_synchronize = 0, synchronization happens only when necessary.

    • hipace.do_device_synchronize = 1, synchronizes most functions (all that are profiled via HIPACE_PROFILE)

    • hipace.do_device_synchronize = 2 additionally synchronizes low-level functions (all that are profiled via HIPACE_DETAIL_PROFILE)

  • amrex.the_arena_is_managed (bool) optional (default 0)

    Whether managed memory is used. Note that large simulations sometimes only fit on a GPU if managed memory is used, but generally it is recommended to not use it.

  • amrex.omp_threads (system, nosmt or positive integer; default is nosmt)

    An integer number can be set in lieu of the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable to control the number of OpenMP threads to use for the OMP compute backend on CPUs. By default, we use the nosmt option, which overwrites the OpenMP default of spawning one thread per logical CPU core, and instead only spawns a number of threads equal to the number of physical CPU cores on the machine. If set, the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS takes precedence over system and nosmt, but not over integer numbers set in this option.

  • hipace.comms_buffer_on_gpu (bool) optional (default 0)

    Whether the buffers that hold the beam and the 3D laser envelope should be allocated on the GPU (device memory). By default they will be allocated on the CPU (pinned memory). Setting this option to 1 is necessary to take advantage of GPU-Enabled MPI, however for this additional enviroment variables need to be set depending on the system.

  • hipace.comms_buffer_max_leading_slices (int) optional (default inf)

    How many slices of beam particles can be received and stored in advance.

  • hipace.comms_buffer_max_trailing_slices (int) optional (default inf)

    How many slices of beam particles can be stored before being sent. Using comms_buffer_max_leading_slices and comms_buffer_max_trailing_slices will in principle limit the amount of asynchronousness in the parallel communication and may thus reduce performance. However it may be necessary to set these parameters to avoid all slices accumulating on a single rank that would run out of memory (out of CPU or GPU memory depending on hipace.comms_buffer_on_gpu). If there are more time steps than ranks, these parameters must be chosen such that between all ranks there is enough capacity to store every slice to avoid a deadlock, i.e. (comms_buffer_max_leading_slices + comms_buffer_max_trailing_slices) * nranks > nslices.

  • hipace.do_tiling (bool) optional (default true)

    Whether to use tiling, when running on CPU. Currently, this option only affects plasma operations (gather, push and deposition). The tile size can be set with plasmas.sort_bin_size.

  • hipace.depos_order_xy (int) optional (default 2)

    Transverse particle shape order. Currently, 0,1,2,3 are implemented.

  • hipace.depos_order_z (int) optional (default 0)

    Longitudinal particle shape order. Currently, only 0 is implemented.

  • hipace.depos_derivative_type (int) optional (default 2)

    Type of derivative used in explicit deposition. 0: analytic, 1: nodal, 2: centered

  • hipace.outer_depos_loop (bool) optional (default 0)

    If the loop over depos_order is included in the loop over particles.

  • hipace.do_beam_jx_jy_deposition (bool) optional (default 1)

    Using the default, the beam deposits all currents Jx, Jy, Jz. Using hipace.do_beam_jx_jy_deposition = 0 disables the transverse current deposition of the beams.

  • hipace.do_beam_jz_minus_rho (bool) optional (default 0)

    Whether the beam contribution to \(j_z-c\rho\) is calculated and used when solving for Psi (used to caculate the transverse fields Ex-By and Ey+Bx). if 0, this term is assumed to be 0 (a good approximation for an ultra-relativistic beam in the z direction with small transverse momentum).

  • hipace.interpolate_neutralizing_background (bool) optional (default 0)

    Whether the neutralizing background from plasmas should be interpolated from level 0 to higher MR levels instead of depositing it on all levels.

  • hipace.output_input (bool) optional (default 0)

    Print all input parameters before running the simulation. If a parameter is present multiple times then the last occurrence will be used. Note that this will include some default AMReX parameters.


  • amr.n_cell (3 integer)

    Number of cells in x, y and z. With the explicit solver (default), the number of cells in the x and y directions must be either \(2^n-1\) (common values are 511, 1023, 2047, best configuration for performance) or \(2^n\) where \(n\) is an integer. Some other values might work, like \(3 \times 2^n-1\), but use at your own risk.

  • amr.max_level (integer) optional (default 0)

    Maximum level of mesh refinement. Currently, mesh refinement is supported up to level 2. Note, that the mesh refinement algorithm is still in active development and should be used with care.

  • geometry.patch_lo (3 float)

    Lower end of the simulation box in x, y and z.

  • geometry.patch_hi (3 float)

    Higher end of the simulation box in x, y and z.

  • geometry.is_periodic (3 bool)

    Whether the boundary conditions for particles in x, y and z is periodic. Note that particles in z are always removed. This setting will most likely be changed in the near future.

  • mr_lev1.n_cell (2 integer)

    Number of cells in x and y for level 1. The number of cells in the zeta direction is calculated from patch_lo and patch_hi.

  • mr_lev1.patch_lo (3 float)

    Lower end of the refined grid in x, y and z.

  • mr_lev1.patch_hi (3 float)

    Upper end of the refined grid in x, y and z.

  • mr_lev2.n_cell (2 integer)

    Number of cells in x and y for level 2. The number of cells in the zeta direction is calculated from patch_lo and patch_hi.

  • mr_lev2.patch_lo (3 float)

    Lower end of the refined grid in x, y and z.

  • mr_lev2.patch_hi (3 float)

    Upper end of the refined grid in x, y and z.

Time step

  • max_step (integer) optional (default 0)

    Maximum number of time steps. 0 means that the 0th time step will be calculated, which are the fields of the initial beams.

  • hipace.max_time (float) optional (default infinity)

    Maximum physical time of the simulation. The dt of the last time step may be reduced so that t + dt = max_time, both for the adaptive and a fixed time step.

  • hipace.dt (float or string) optional (default 0.)

    Time step to advance the particle beam. For adaptive time step, use "adaptive".

  • hipace.dt_max (float) optional (default inf)

    Only used if hipace.dt = adaptive. Upper bound of the adaptive time step: if the computed adaptive time step is is larger than dt_max, then dt_max is used instead. Useful when the plasma profile starts with a very low density (e.g. in the presence of a realistic density ramp), to avoid unreasonably large time steps.

  • hipace.nt_per_betatron (Real) optional (default 20.)

    Only used when using adaptive time step (see hipace.dt above). Number of time steps per betatron period (of the full blowout regime). The time step is given by \(\omega_{\beta}\Delta t = 2 \pi/N\) (\(N\) is nt_per_betatron) where \(\omega_{\beta}=\omega_p/\sqrt{2\gamma}\) with \(\omega_p\) the plasma angular frequency and \(\gamma\) is an average of Lorentz factors of the slowest particles in all beams.

  • hipace.adaptive_predict_step (bool) optional (default 1)

    Only used when using adaptive time step (see hipace.dt above). If true, the current Lorentz factor and accelerating field on the beams are used to predict the (adaptive) dt of the next time steps. This prediction is used to better estimate the betatron frequency at the beginning of the next step performed by the current rank. It improves accuracy for parallel simulations (with significant deceleration and/or z-dependent plasma profile). Note: should be on by default once good defaults are determined.

  • hipace.adaptive_control_phase_advance (bool) optional (default 1)

    Only used when using adaptive time step (see hipace.dt above). If true, a test on the phase advance sets the time step so it matches the phase advance expected for a uniform plasma (to a certain tolerance). This should improve the accuracy in the presence of density gradients. Note: should be on by default once good defaults are determined.

  • hipace.adaptive_phase_tolerance (Real) optional (default 4.e-4)

    Only used when using adaptive time step (see hipace.dt above) and adaptive_control_phase_advance. Tolerance for the controlled phase advance described above (lower is more accurate, but should result in more time steps).

  • hipace.adaptive_phase_substeps (int) optional (default 2000)

    Only used when using adaptive time step (see hipace.dt above) and adaptive_control_phase_advance. Number of sub-steps in the controlled phase advance described above (higher is more accurate, but should be slower).

  • hipace.adaptive_threshold_uz (Real) optional (default 2.)

    Only used when using adaptive time step (see hipace.dt above). Threshold beam momentum, below which the time step is not decreased (to avoid arbitrarily small time steps).

Field solver parameters

Two different field solvers are available to calculate the transverse magnetic fields Bx and By: an explicit solver (based on analytic integration) and a predictor-corrector loop (based on an FFT solver). In the explicit solver, the longitudinal derivative of the transverse currents is calculated explicitly, which results in a shielded Poisson equation, solved with either the internal HiPACE++ multigrid solver or the AMReX multigrid solver. The default is to use the explicit solver. We strongly recommend to use the explicit solver, because we found it to be more robust, faster to converge, and easier to use.

  • hipace.bxby_solver (string) optional (default explicit)

    Which solver to use. Possible values: explicit and predictor-corrector.

  • hipace.use_small_dst (bool) optional (default 0 or 1)

    Whether to use a large R2C or a small C2R fft in the dst of the Poisson solver. The small dst is quicker for simulations with \(\geq 511\) transverse grid points. The default is set accordingly.

  • fields.extended_solve (bool) optional (default 0)

    Extends the area of the FFT Poisson solver to the ghost cells. This can reduce artifacts originating from the boundary for long simulations.

  • fields.open_boundary (bool) optional (default 0)

    Uses a Taylor approximation of the Greens function to solve the Poisson equations with open boundary conditions. It’s recommended to use this together with fields.extended_solve = true and geometry.is_periodic = false false false. Only available with the predictor-corrector solver.

  • fields.do_symmetrize (bool) optional (default 0)

    Symmetrizes current and charge densities transversely before the field solve. Each cell at (x, y) is averaged with cells at (-x, y), (x, -y) and (-x, -y).

Explicit solver parameters

  • hipace.use_amrex_mlmg (bool) optional (default 0)

    Whether to use the AMReX multigrid solver. Note that this requires the compile-time option AMReX_LINEAR_SOLVERS to be true. Generally not recommended since it is significantly slower than the default HiPACE++ multigrid solver.

  • hipace.MG_tolerance_rel (float) optional (default 1e-4)

    Relative error tolerance of the multigrid solvers.

  • hipace.MG_tolerance_abs (float) optional (default 0.)

    Absolute error tolerance of the multigrid solvers.

  • hipace.MG_verbose (int) optional (default 0)

    Level of verbosity of the the multigrid solvers.

Predictor-corrector loop parameters

  • hipace.predcorr_B_error_tolerance (float) optional (default 4e-2)

    The tolerance of the transverse B-field error. Set to a negative value to use a fixed number of iterations.

  • hipace.predcorr_max_iterations (int) optional (default 30)

    The maximum number of iterations in the predictor-corrector loop for single slice.

  • hipace.predcorr_B_mixing_factor (float) optional (default 0.05)

    The mixing factor between the currently calculated B-field and the B-field of the previous iteration (or initial guess, in case of the first iteration). A higher mixing factor leads to a faster convergence, but increases the chance of divergence.


In general, we recommend two different settings:

First, a fixed B-field error tolerance. This ensures the same level of convergence at each grid point. To do so, use e.g. the default settings of hipace.predcorr_B_error_tolerance = 4e-2, hipace.predcorr_max_iterations = 30, hipace.predcorr_B_mixing_factor = 0.05. This should almost always give reasonable results.

Second, a fixed (low) number of iterations. This is usually much faster than the fixed B-field error, but can loose significant accuracy in special physical simulation settings. For most settings (e.g. a standard PWFA simulation the blowout regime at a reasonable resolution) it reproduces the same results as the fixed B-field error tolerance setting. It works very well at high longitudinal resolution. A good setting for the fixed number of iterations is usually given by hipace.predcorr_B_error_tolerance = -1., hipace.predcorr_max_iterations = 1, hipace.predcorr_B_mixing_factor = 0.15. The B-field error tolerance must be negative.

Plasma parameters

The name of all plasma species must be specified with plasmas.names = …. Then, properties can be set per plasma species with <plasma name>.<plasma property> = ..., or sometimes for all plasma species at the same time with plasmas.<plasma property> = .... When both are specified, the per-species value is used.

  • plasmas.names (string) optional (default no_plasma)

    The names of the plasmas, separated by a space. To run without plasma, choose the name no_plasma.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.density(x,y,z) (float) optional (default 0.)

    The plasma density as function of x, y and z. x and y coordinates are taken from the simulation box and \(z = time \cdot c\). The density gets recalculated at the beginning of every timestep. If specified as a command line parameter, quotation marks must be added: "<plasma name>.density(x,y,z)" = "1.".

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.min_density (float) optional (default 0)

    Particles with a density less than or equal to the minimal density won’t be injected. Useful for parsed functions to avoid redundant plasma particles with close to 0 weight.

  • <plasma name>.density_table_file (string) optional (default “”)

    Alternative to <plasma name>.density(x,y,z). Specify the name of a text file containing multiple densities for different positions. File syntax: <position> <density function> for every line. If a line doesn’t start with a position it is ignored (comments can be made with #). <density function> is evaluated like <plasma name>.density(x,y,z). The simulation position \(time \cdot c\) is rounded up to the nearest <position> in the file to get it’s <density function> which is used for that time step.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.ppc (2 integer)

    The number of plasma particles per cell in x and y. Since in a quasi-static code, there is only a 2D plasma slice evolving along the longitudinal coordinate, there is no need to specify a number of particles per cell in z.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.radius (float) optional (default infinity)

    Radius of the plasma. Set a value to run simulations in a plasma column.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.hollow_core_radius (float) optional (default 0.)

    Inner radius of a hollow core plasma. The hollow core radius must be smaller than the plasma radius itself.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.max_qsa_weighting_factor (float) optional (default 35.)

    The maximum allowed weighting factor \(\gamma /(\psi+1)\) before particles are considered as violating the quasi-static approximation and are removed from the simulation.

  • <plasma name>.mass (float) optional (default 0.)

    The mass of plasma particle in SI units. Use plasma_name.mass_Da for Dalton. Can also be set with <plasma name>.element. Must be >0.

  • <plasma name>.mass_Da (float) optional (default 0.)

    The mass of plasma particle in Dalton. Use <plasma name>.mass for SI units. Can also be set with <plasma name>.element. Must be >0.

  • <plasma name>.charge (float) optional (default 0.)

    The charge of a plasma particle. Can also be set with <plasma name>.element. The charge gets multiplied by the current ionization level.

  • <plasma name>.element (string) optional (default “”)

    The physical element of the plasma. Sets charge, mass and, if available, the specific ionization energy of each state. Options are: electron, positron, H, D, T, He, Li, Be, B, ….

  • <plasma name>.can_ionize (bool) optional (default 0)

    Whether this plasma can ionize. Can also be set to 1 by specifying <plasma name>.ionization_product.

  • <plasma name>.initial_ion_level (int) optional (default -1)

    The initial ionization state of the plasma. 0 for neutral gasses. If set, the plasma charge gets multiplied by this number. If the plasma species is not ionizable, the initial ionization level is set to 1.

  • <plasma name>.ionization_product (string) optional (default “”)

    Name of the plasma species that contains the new electrons that are produced when this plasma gets ionized. Only needed if this plasma is ionizable.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.neutralize_background (bool) optional (default 1)

    Whether to add a neutralizing background of immobile particles of opposite charge.

  • plasmas.sort_bin_size (int) optional (default 32)

    Tile size for plasma current deposition, when running on CPU. When tiling is activated (hipace.do_tiling = 1), the current deposition is done in temporary arrays of size sort_bin_size (+ guard cells) that are atomic-added to the main current arrays.

  • <plasma name>.temperature_in_ev (float) optional (default 0)
    Initializes the plasma particles with a given temperature \(k_B T\) in eV. Using a temperature, the plasma particle momentum is normally distributed with a variance of \(k_B T /(M c^2)\) in each dimension, with \(M\) the particle mass, \(k_B\) the Boltzmann constant, and \(T\) the isotropic temperature in Kelvin.
    Note: Using a temperature can affect the performance since the plasma particles loose their order and thus their favorable memory access pattern. The performance can be mostly recovered by reordering the plasma particles (see <plasma name> or plasmas.reorder_period). Furthermore, the noise of the temperature can seed the hosing instability. The amplitude of the seeding is unphysical, because the number of macro-particles is typically orders of magnitude below the number of actual plasma electrons. Since it is often unfeasible to use a sufficient amount of plasma macro-particles per cell to suppress this numerical seed, the plasma can be symmetrized to prevent the onset of the hosing instability (see <plasma name> or plasmas.do_symmetrize).
  • <plasma name> or plasmas.do_symmetrize (bool) optional (default 0)

    Symmetrizes the plasma in the transverse phase space. For each particle with (x, y, ux, uy), three additional particles are generated with (-x, y, -ux, uy), (x, -y, ux, -uy), and (-x, -y, -ux, -uy). The total number of plasma particles is multiplied by 4. This option is helpful to prevent a numerical seeding of the hosing instability for a plasma with a temperature.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.reorder_period (int) optional (default 0)

    Reorder particles periodically to speed-up current deposition on GPU for a high-temperature plasma. A good starting point is a period of 4 to reorder plasma particles on every fourth zeta-slice. To disable reordering set this to 0.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.n_subcycles (int) optional (default 1)

    Number of sub-cycles within the plasma pusher. Currently only implemented for the leapfrog pusher. Must be larger or equal to 1. Sub-cycling is needed if plasma particles move significantly in the transverse direction during a single longitudinal cell. If they move too many cells such that they do not sample certain small transverse structures in the wakefields, sub-cycling is needed and fixes the issue.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.reorder_idx_type (2 int) optional (default 0 0 or 1 1)

    Change if plasma particles are binned to cells (0), nodes (1) or both (2) for both x and y direction as part of the reordering. The ideal index type depends on the particle shape factor used for deposition. For shape factors 1 and 3, 2^2 and 4^2 cells are deposited per particle respectively, resulting in node centered reordering giving better performance. For shape factors 0 and 2, 1^2 and 3^2 cells are deposited such that cell centered reordering is better. The default is chosen accordingly. If hipace.depos_derivative_type = 1, the explicit deposition deposits an additional cell in each direction, making the opposite index type ideal. Since the normal deposition still requires the original index type, the compromise option 2 2 can be chosen. This will however require more memory in the binning process.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.fine_patch(x,y) (int) optional (default 0)

    When using mesh refinement it can be helpful to increase the number of particles per cell drastically in a small part of the domain. For this parameter a function of x and y needs to be specified that evaluates to 1 where the number of particles per cell should be higher and 0 everywhere else. For example use plasmas.fine_patch(x,y) = "sqrt(x^2+y^2) < 10" to specify a circle around x=0, y=0 with a radius of 10. Note that the function is evaluated at the cell centers of the level zero grid.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.fine_ppc (2 int) optional (default 0 0)

    The number of plasma particles per cell in x and y inside the fine plasma patch. This must be divisible by the ppc outside the fine patch in both directions.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.fine_transition_cells (int) optional (default 5)

    Number of cells that are used just outside of the fine plasma patch to smoothly transition between the low and high ppc regions. More transition cells produce less noise but require more particles.

Beam parameters

For the beam parameters, first the names of the beams need to be specified. Afterwards, the beam parameters for each beam are specified via <beam name>.<beam property> = ...

  • beams.names (string) optional (default no_beam)

    The names of the particle beams, separated by a space. To run without beams, choose the name no_beam.

General beam parameters

The general beam parameters are applicable to all particle beam types. More specialized beam parameters, which are valid only for certain beam types, are introduced further below under “Option: <injection_type>”.

  • <beam name>.injection_type (string)

    The injection type for the particle beam. Currently available are fixed_weight_pdf, fixed_weight, fixed_ppc, and from_file. fixed_weight_pdf generates a beam with a fixed number of particles with a constant weight where the transverse profile is Gaussian and the longitudinal profile is arbitrary according to a user-specified probability density function. It is more general and faster, and uses less memory than fixed_weight. fixed_weight generates a Gaussian beam with a fixed number of particles with a constant weight. fixed_ppc generates a beam with a fixed number of particles per cell and varying weights. It can be either a Gaussian or a flattop beam. from_file reads a beam from openPMD files.

  • <beam name>.element (string) optional (default electron)

    The Physical Element of the plasma. Sets charge, mass and, if available, the specific Ionization Energy of each state. Currently available options are: electron, positron, and proton.

  • <beam name>.mass (float) optional (default m_e)

    The mass of beam particles. Can also be set with <beam name>.element. Must be >0.

  • <beam name>.charge (float) optional (default -q_e)

    The charge of a beam particle. Can also be set with <beam name>.element.

  • <beam name>.n_subcycles (int) optional (default 10)

    Number of sub-cycles performed in the beam particle pusher. The particles will be pushed n_subcycles times with a time step of dt/n_subcycles. This can be used to improve accuracy in highly non-linear focusing fields.

  • <beam name> or beams.external_E(x,y,z,t) (3 float) optional (default 0. 0. 0.)

    External electric field applied to beam particles as functions of x, y, z and t. The components represent Ex, Ey and Ez respectively. Note that z refers to the location of the beam particle inside the moving frame of reference (zeta) and t to the physical time of the current timestep.

  • <beam name> or beams.external_B(x,y,z,t) (3 float) optional (default 0. 0. 0.)

    External magnetic field applied to beam particles as functions of x, y, z and t. The components represent Bx, By and Bz respectively. Note that z refers to the location of the beam particle inside the moving frame of reference (zeta) and t to the physical time of the current timestep.

  • <beam name>.do_z_push (bool) optional (default 1)

    Whether the beam particles are pushed along the z-axis. The momentum is still fully updated. Note: using do_z_push = 0 results in unphysical behavior.

  • <beam name> or beams.do_reset_id_init (bool) optional (default 0)

    Whether to reset the ID incrementor to 1 before initializing beam particles.

  • <beam name> or beams.reorder_period (int) optional (default 0)

    Reorder particles periodically to speed-up current deposition and particle push on GPU. A good starting point is a period of 1 to reorder beam particles on every timestep. To disable reordering set this to 0. For very narrow beams the sorting may take longer than the time saved in the beam push and deposition.

  • <beam name> or beams.reorder_idx_type (2 int) optional (default 0 0 or 1 1)

    Change if beam particles are binned to cells (0), nodes (1) or both (2) for both x and y direction as part of the reordering. The ideal index type is different for beam push and beam deposition so some experimentation may be required to find the overall fastest setting for a specific simulation.

Option: fixed_weight_pdf

  • <beam name>.num_particles (int)

    Number of constant weight particles to generate the beam.

  • <beam name>.pdf (float)

    Longitudinal density profile of the beam, given as a probability density function (the transverse profile is Gaussian). This is a parser function of z, giving the charge density integrated in both transverse directions x and y (this is proportional to the beam current profile in the limit \(v_z \simeq c\)). The probability density function is automatically normalized, and combined with <beam name>.total_charge or <beam name>.density within the code to generate the absolute beam profile. Examples (assuming z_center, z_std, z_length, z_slope, z_min and z_max are defined with my_constants): - Gaussian: exp(-0.5*((z-z_center)/z_std)^2) - Cosine: (cos(2*pi*(z-z_center)/z_length)+1)*(2*abs(z-z_center)<z_length) - Trapezoidal: (z<z_max)*(z>z_min)*(1+z_slope*z)

  • <beam name>.total_charge (float)

    Total charge of the beam (either total_charge or density must be specified). Only available when running in SI units. The absolute value of this parameter is used when initializing the beam. Note that in contrast to the fixed_weight injection type, using <beam name>.radius or a special pdf to emulate z_min and z_max will result in beam particles being redistributed to other locations rather than being deleted. Therefore, the resulting beam will have exactly the specified total charge, but cutting a significant fraction of the charge is not recommended.

  • <beam name>.density (float)

    Peak density of the beam (either total_charge or density must be specified). The absolute value of this parameter is used when initializing the beam. Note that this is the peak density of the analytical profile specified by pdf, position_mean and position_std, within the limits of the resolution of the numerical evaluation of the pdf. The actual resulting beam profile consists of randomly distributed particles and will likely feature density fluctuations exceeding the specified peak density.

  • <beam name>.position_mean (2 float)

    The mean position of the beam in x, y, separated by a space. Both values can be a function of z. To generate a tilted beam use <beam name>.position_mean = "x_center+(z-z_center)*dx_per_dzeta" "y_center+(z-z_center)*dy_per_dzeta".

  • <beam name>.position_std (2 float)

    The rms size of the of the beam in x, y, separated by a space. Both values can be a function of z.

  • <beam name>.u_mean (3 float)

    The mean normalized momentum of the beam in x, y, z, separated by a space. All values can be a function of z. Normalized momentum is equal to \(= \gamma \beta = \frac{p}{m c}\). An electron beam with a momentum of 1 GeV/c has a u_mean of 0 0 1956.951198 while a proton beam with the same momentum has a u_mean of 0 0 1.065788933.

  • <beam name>.u_std (3 float)

    The rms normalized momentum of the beam in x, y, z, separated by a space. All values can be a function of z.

  • <beam name>.do_symmetrize (bool) optional (default 0)

    Symmetrizes the beam in the transverse phase space. For each particle with (x, y, ux, uy), three further particles are generated with (-x, y, -ux, uy), (x, -y, ux, -uy), and (-x, -y, -ux, -uy). The total number of particles will still be beam_name.num_particles, therefore this option requires that the beam particle number must be divisible by 4.

  • <beam name>.z_foc (float) optional (default 0.)

    Distance at which the beam will be focused, calculated from the position at which the beam is initialized. The beam is assumed to propagate ballistically in-between.

  • <beam name>.radius (float) optional (default infinity)

    Maximum radius <beam name>.radius \(= \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\) within that particles are injected. If <beam name>.density is specified, beam particles outside of the radius get deleted. If <beam name>.total_charge is specified, beam particles outside of the radius get new random transverse positions to conserve the total charge.

  • <beam name>.pdf_ref_ratio (int) optional (default 4)

    Into how many segments the pdf is divided per zeta slice for its first-order numerical evaluation.

Option: fixed_weight

  • <beam name>.num_particles (int)

    Number of constant weight particles to generate the beam.

  • <beam name>.profile (string) optional (default gaussian)

    Beam profile. Possible options are can (uniform longitudinally, Gaussian transversally) and gaussian (Gaussian in all directions).

  • <beam name>.total_charge (float)

    Total charge of the beam. Note: Either total_charge or density must be specified. The absolute value of this parameter is used when initializing the beam. Note that <beam name>.zmin, <beam name>.zmax and <beam name>.radius can reduce the total charge.

  • <beam name>.density (float)

    Peak density of the beam. Note: Either total_charge or density must be specified. The absolute value of this parameter is used when initializing the beam.

  • <beam name>.position_mean (3 float)

    The mean position of the beam in x, y, z, separated by a space. The x and y directions can be functions of z. To generate a tilted beam use <beam name>.position_mean = "x_center+(z-z_ center)*dx_per_dzeta" "y_center+(z-z_ center)*dy_per_dzeta" "z_center".

  • <beam name>.position_std (3 float)

    The rms size of the of the beam in x, y, z, separated by a space.

  • <beam name>.u_mean (3 float)

    The mean normalized momentum of the beam in x, y, z, separated by a space. Normalized momentum is equal to \(= \gamma \beta = \frac{p}{m c}\). An electron beam with a momentum of 1 GeV/c has a u_mean of 0 0 1956.951198 while a proton beam with the same momentum has a u_mean of 0 0 1.065788933.

  • <beam name>.u_std (3 float)

    The rms normalized momentum of the beam in x, y, z, separated by a space.

  • <beam name>.duz_per_uz0_dzeta (float) optional (default 0.)

    Relative correlated energy spread per \(\zeta\). Thereby, duz_per_uz0_dzeta * \(\zeta\) * uz_mean is added to uz of the each particle. \(\zeta\) is hereby the particle position relative to the mean longitudinal position of the beam.

  • <beam name>.do_symmetrize (bool) optional (default 0)

    Symmetrizes the beam in the transverse phase space. For each particle with (x, y, ux, uy), three further particles are generated with (-x, y, -ux, uy), (x, -y, ux, -uy), and (-x, -y, -ux, -uy). The total number of particles will still be beam_name.num_particles, therefore this option requires that the beam particle number must be divisible by 4.

  • <beam name>.z_foc (float) optional (default 0.)

    Distance at which the beam will be focused, calculated from the position at which the beam is initialized. The beam is assumed to propagate ballistically in-between.

  • <beam name>.zmin (float) (default -infinity)

    Minimum in z at which particles are injected.

  • <beam name>.zmax (float) (default infinity)

    Maximum in z at which particles are injected.

  • <beam name>.radius (float) (default infinity)

    Maximum radius <beam name>.radius \(= \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\) within that particles are injected.

  • <beam name> or beams.initialize_on_cpu (bool) optional (default 0)

    Whether to initialize the beam on the CPU instead of the GPU. Initializing the beam on the CPU can be much slower but is necessary if the full beam does not fit into GPU memory.

Option: fixed_ppc

  • <beam name>.ppc (3 int) (default 1 1 1)

    Number of particles per cell in x-, y-, and z-direction to generate the beam.

  • <beam name>.profile (string)

    Beam profile. Possible options are flattop (flat-top radially and longitudinally), gaussian (Gaussian in all directions), or parsed (arbitrary analytic function provided by the user). When parsed, <beam name>.density(x,y,z) must be specified.

  • <beam name>.density (float)

    Peak density of the beam. The absolute value of this parameter is used when initializing the beam.

  • <beam name>.density(x,y,z) (float)

    The density profile of the beam, as a function of spatial dimensions x, y and z. This function uses the parser, see above.

  • <beam name>.min_density (float) optional (default 0)

    Minimum density. Particles with a lower density are not injected. The absolute value of this parameter is used when initializing the beam.

  • <beam name>.position_mean (3 float)

    The mean position of the beam in x, y, z, separated by a space.

  • <beam name>.position_std (3 float)

    The rms size of the of the beam in x, y, z, separated by a space.

  • <beam name>.u_mean (3 float)

    The mean normalized momentum of the beam in x, y, z, separated by a space. Normalized momentum is equal to \(= \gamma \beta = \frac{p}{m c}\). An electron beam with a momentum of 1 GeV/c has a u_mean of 0 0 1956.951198 while a proton beam with the same momentum has a u_mean of 0 0 1.065788933.

  • <beam name>.u_std (3 float)

    The rms normalized momentum of the beam in x, y, z, separated by a space.

  • <beam name>.random_ppc (3 bool) optional (default 0 0 0)

    Whether the position in (x y z) of the particles is randomized within the cell.

  • <beam name>.zmin (float) (default -infinity)

    Minimum in z at which particles are injected.

  • <beam name>.zmax (float) (default infinity)

    Maximum in z at which particles are injected.

  • <beam name>.radius (float) (default infinity)

    Maximum radius <beam name>.radius \(= \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\) within that particles are injected.

Option: from_file

  • <beam name> or beams.input_file (string)

    Name of the input file. Note: Reading in files with digits in their names (e.g. openpmd_002135.h5) can be problematic, it is advised to read them via openpmd_%T.h5 and then specify the iteration via beam_name.iteration = 2135.

  • <beam name> or beams.iteration (integer) optional (default 0)

    Iteration of the openPMD file to be read in. If the openPMD file contains multiple iterations, or multiple openPMD files are read in, the iteration can be specified. Note: The physical time of the simulation is set to the time of the given iteration (if available).

  • <beam name>.openPMD_species_name (string) optional (default <beam name>)

    Name of the beam to be read in. If an openPMD file contains multiple beams, the name of the beam needs to be specified.

  • <beam name> or beams.initialize_on_cpu (bool) optional (default 0)

    Whether to initialize the beam on the CPU instead of the GPU. Initializing the beam on the CPU can be much slower but is necessary if the full beam does not fit into GPU memory.

SALAME algorithm

HiPACE++ features the Slicing Advanced Loading Algorithm for Minimizing Energy Spread (SALAME) to generate a beam profile that automatically loads the wake optimally, i.e., so that the initial wakefield is flattened by the charge of the beam. Important note: In the algorithm, the weight of the beam particles is adjusted while the plasma response is computed. Since the beam is written to file before the plasma response is calculated, the SALAME beam has incorrect weights in the 0th time step. For more information on the algorithm, see the corresponding publication S. Diederichs et al., Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 23, 121301 (2020)

  • <beam name>.do_salame (bool) optional (default 0)

    If turned on, the per-slice beam weight in the first time-step is adjusted such that the Ez field is uniform in the beam. This ignores the contributions to jx, jy and rho from the beam in the first time-step. It is recommended to use this option with a fixed weight can beam. If a gaussian beam profile is used, then the zmin and zmax parameters should be used.

  • hipace.salame_n_iter (int) optional (default 3)

    Number of iterations the SALAME algorithm should do when it is used.

  • hipace.salame_do_advance (bool) optional (default 1)

    Whether the SALAME algorithm should calculate the SALAME-beam-only Ez field by advancing plasma (if 1) particles or by approximating it using the chi field (if 0).

  • hipace.salame_Ez_target(zeta,zeta_initial,Ez_initial) (string) optional (default Ez_initial)

    Parser function to specify the target Ez field at the witness beam for SALAME. zeta: position of the Ez field to set. zeta_initial: position where the SALAME algorithm first started. Ez_initial: field value at zeta_initial. For zeta equal to zeta_initial, the function should return Ez_initial. The default value of this function corresponds to a flat Ez field at the position of the SALAME beam. Note: zeta is always less than or equal to zeta_initial and Ez_initial is typically below zero for electron beams.

Laser parameters

The laser profile is defined by \(a(x,y,z) = a_0 * \mathrm{exp}[-(x^2/w0_x^2 + y^2/w0_y^2 + z^2/L0^2)]\). The model implemented is the one from [C. Benedetti et al. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60.1: 014002 (2017)]. Unlike for beams and plasmas, all the laser pulses are currently stored on the same array, which you can find in the output openPMD file as a complex array named laserEnvelope. Parameters starting with lasers. apply to all laser pulses, parameters starting with <laser name> apply to a single laser pulse.

  • lasers.names (list of string) optional (default no_laser)

    The names of the laser pulses, separated by a space. To run without a laser, choose the name no_laser.

  • lasers.lambda0 (float)

    Wavelength of the laser pulses. Currently, all pulses must have the same wavelength.

  • lasers.use_phase (bool) optional (default true)

    Whether the phase terms (\(\theta\) in Eq. (6) of [C. Benedetti et al. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60.1: 014002 (2017)]) are computed and used in the laser envelope advance. Keeping the phase should be more accurate, but can cause numerical issues in the presence of strong depletion/frequency shift.

  • lasers.solver_type (string) optional (default multigrid)

    Type of solver for the laser envelope solver, either fft or multigrid. Currently, the approximation that the phase is evaluated on-axis only is made with both solvers. With the multigrid solver, we could drop this assumption. For now, the fft solver should be faster, more accurate and more stable, so only use the multigrid one with care.

  • lasers.MG_tolerance_rel (float) optional (default 1e-4)

    Relative error tolerance of the multigrid solver used for the laser pulse.

  • lasers.MG_tolerance_abs (float) optional (default 0.)

    Absolute error tolerance of the multigrid solver used for the laser pulse.

  • lasers.MG_verbose (int) optional (default 0)

    Level of verbosity of the multigrid solver used for the laser pulse.

  • lasers.MG_average_rhs (0 or 1) optional (default 1)

    Whether to use the most stable discretization for the envelope solver.

  • lasers.input_file (string) optional (default “”)

    Path to an openPMD file containing a laser envelope. The file should comply with the LaserEnvelope extension of the openPMD-standard, as generated by LASY. Currently supported geometries: 3D or cylindrical profiles with azimuthal decomposition. The laser pulse is injected in the HiPACE++ simulation so that the beginning of the temporal profile from the file corresponds to the head of the simulation box, and time (in the file) is converted to space (HiPACE++ longitudinal coordinate) with z = -c*t + const. If this parameter is set, then the file is used to initialize all lasers instead of using a gaussian profile.

  • lasers.openPMD_laser_name (string) optional (default laserEnvelope)

    Name of the laser envelope field inside the openPMD file to be read in.

  • lasers.iteration (int) optional (default 0)

    Iteration of the openPMD file to be read in.

  • <laser name>.a0 (float) optional (default 0)

    Peak normalized vector potential of the laser pulse.

  • <laser name>.position_mean (3 float) optional (default 0 0 0)

    The mean position of the laser in x, y, z.

  • <laser name>.w0 (2 float) optional (default 0 0)

    The laser waist in x, y.

  • <laser name>.L0 (float) optional (default 0)

    The laser pulse length in z. Use either the pulse length or the pulse duration <laser name>.tau.

  • <laser name>.tau (float) optional (default 0)

    The laser pulse duration. The pulse length is set to laser.tau\(*c_0\). Use either the pulse length or the pulse duration.

  • <laser name>.focal_distance (float)

    Distance at which the laser pulse if focused (in the z direction, counted from laser initial position).

  • <laser name>.propagation_angle_yz (float)

    Propagation angle of the pulse in the yz plane (0 is the along the z axis)

Diagnostic parameters

There are different types of diagnostics in HiPACE++. The standard diagnostics are compliant with the openPMD standard. The in-situ diagnostics allow for fast analysis of large beams or the plasma particles.

  • diagnostic.output_period (integer) optional (default 0)

    Output period for standard beam and field diagnostics. Field or beam specific diagnostics can overwrite this parameter. No output is given for diagnostic.output_period = 0.

  • hipace.file_prefix (string) optional (default diags/hdf5/)

    Path of the output.

  • hipace.openpmd_backend (string) optional (default h5)

    OpenPMD backend. This can either be h5, bp, or json. The default is chosen by what is available. If both Adios2 and HDF5 are available, h5 is used. Note that json is extremely slow and is not recommended for production runs.

Beam diagnostics

  • diagnostic.beam_output_period (integer) optional (default 0)

    Output period for the beam. No output is given for diagnostic.beam_output_period = 0. If diagnostic.output_period is defined, that value is used as the default for this.

  • diagnostic.beam_data (string) optional (default all)

    Names of the beams written to file, separated by a space. The beam names need to be all, none or a subset of beams.names.

Field diagnostics

  • diagnostic.names (string) optional (default lev0)

    The names of all field diagnostics, separated by a space. Multiple diagnostics can be used to limit the output to only a few relevant regions to save on file size. To run without field diagnostics, choose the name no_field_diag. If mesh refinement is used, the default becomes lev0 lev1 or lev0 lev1 lev2.

  • <diag name> or diagnostic.level (integer) optional (default 0)

    From which mesh refinement level the diagnostics should be collected. If <diag name> is equal to lev1, the default for this parameter becomes 1 etc.

  • <diag name>.output_period (integer) optional (default 0)

    Output period for fields. No output is given for <diag name>.output_period = 0. If diagnostic.output_period is defined, that value is used as the default for this.

  • <diag name> or diagnostic.diag_type (string)

    Type of field output. Available options are xyz, xz, yz and xy_integrated. xyz generates a 3D field output. Use 3D output with parsimony, it may increase disk Space usage and simulation time significantly. xz and yz generate 2D field outputs at the center of the y-axis and x-axis, respectively. In case of an even number of grid points, the value is averaged between the two inner grid points. xy_integrated generates 2D field output that has been integrated along the z axis, i.e., it is the sum of the 2D field output over all slices multiplied with dz.

  • <diag name> or diagnostic.coarsening (3 int) optional (default 1 1 1)

    Coarsening ratio of field output in x, y and z direction respectively. The coarsened output is obtained through first order interpolation.

  • <diag name> or diagnostic.include_ghost_cells (bool) optional (default 0)

    Whether the field diagnostics should include ghost cells.

  • <diag name> or diagnostic.field_data (string) optional (default all)

    Names of the fields written to file, separated by a space. The field names need to be all, none or a subset of ExmBy EypBx Ez Bx By Bz Psi. For the predictor-corrector solver, additionally jx jy jz rhomjz are available, which are the current and charge densities of the plasma and the beam, with rhomjz equal to \(\rho-j_z/c\). For the explicit solver, the current and charge densities of the beam and for all plasmas are separated: jx_beam jy_beam jz_beam and jx jy rhomjz are available. If rho is explicitly mentioned as field_data, it is deposited by the plasma to be available as a diagnostic. Similarly if rho_<plasma name> is explicitly mentioned, the charge density of that plasma species will be separately available as a diagnostic. When a laser pulse is used, the laser complex envelope laserEnvelope is available. The plasma proper density (n/gamma) is then also accessible via chi.

  • <diag name> or diagnostic.patch_lo (3 float) optional (default -infinity -infinity -infinity)

    Lower limit for the diagnostic grid.

  • <diag name> or diagnostic.patch_hi (3 float) optional (default infinity infinity infinity)

    Upper limit for the diagnostic grid.

  • hipace.deposit_rho (bool) optional (default 0)

    If the charge density rho of the plasma should be deposited so that it is available as a diagnostic. Otherwise only rhomjz equal to \(\rho-j_z/c\) will be available. If rho is explicitly mentioned in diagnostic.field_data, then the default will become 1.

  • hipace.deposit_rho_individual (bool) optional (default 0)

    This option works similar to hipace.deposit_rho, however the charge density from every plasma species will be deposited into individual fields that are accessible as rho_<plasma name> in diagnostic.field_data.

In-situ diagnostics

Besides the standard diagnostics, fast in-situ diagnostics are available. They are most useful when beams with large numbers of particles are used, as the important moments can be calculated in-situ (during the simulation) to largely reduce the simulation’s analysis. In-situ diagnostics compute slice quantities (1 number per quantity per longitudinal cell). For particle beams, they can be used to calculate the main characterizing beam parameters (width, energy spread, emittance, etc.), from which most common beam parameters (e.g. slice and projected emittance, etc.) can be computed. Additionally, the plasma particle properties (e.g, the temperature) can be calculated. For particle quantities, “[…]” stands for averaging over all particles in the current slice; for grid quantities, “[…]” stands for integrating over all cells in the current slice.

For particle beams, the following quantities are calculated per slice and stored: sum(w), [x], [x^2], [y], [y^2], [z], [z^2], [ux], [ux^2], [uy], [uy^2], [uz], [uz^2], [x*ux], [y*uy], [z*uz], [x*uy], [y*ux], [ux/uz], [uy/uz], [ga], [ga^2], np. For plasma particles, the following quantities are calculated per slice and stored: sum(w), [x], [x^2], [y], [y^2], [ux], [ux^2], [uy], [uy^2], [uz], [uz^2], [ga], [ga^2], np. Thereby, “w” stands for weight, “ux” is the normalized momentum in the x direction, “ga” is the Lorentz factor. Averages and totals over all slices are also provided for convenience under the respective average and total subcategories.

For the field in-situ diagnostics, the following quantities are calculated per slice and stored: [Ex^2], [Ey^2], [Ez^2], [Bx^2], [By^2], [Bz^2], [ExmBy^2], [EypBx^2], [jz_beam], [Ez*jz_beam]. These quantities can be used to calculate the energy stored in the fields.

For the laser in-situ diagnostics, the following quantities are calculated per slice and stored: max(|a|^2), [|a|^2], [|a|^2*x], [|a|^2*x*x], [|a|^2*y], [|a|^2*y*y], axis(a). Thereby, max(|a|^2) is the highest value of |a|^2 in the current slice and axis(a) gives the complex value of the laser envelope, in the center of every slice.

Additionally, some metadata is also available: time, step, n_slices, charge, mass, z_lo, z_hi, normalized_density_factor. time and step refers to the physical time of the simulation and step number of the current timestep. n_slices is the number of slices in the zeta direction. charge and mass relate to a single particle and are for example equal to the electron charge and mass. z_lo and z_hi are the lower and upper bounds of the z-axis of the simulation domain specified in the input file and can be used to generate a z/zeta-axis for plotting (note that they corresponds to mesh nodes, while the data is cell-centered). normalized_density_factor is equal to dx * dy * dz in normalized units and 1 in SI units. It can be used to convert sum(w), which specifies the particle density in normalized units and particle weight in SI units, to the particle weight in both unit systems.

The data is written to a file at <insitu_file_prefix>/reduced_<beam/plasma name>.<MPI rank number>.txt. The in-situ diagnostics file format consists of a header part in ASCII containing a JSON object. When this is parsed into Python it can be converted to a NumPy structured datatype. The rest of the file, following immediately after the closing }, is in binary format and contains all of the in-situ diagnostics along with some metadata. This part can be read using the structured datatype of the first section. Use hipace/tools/ to read the files using this format. Functions to calculate the most useful properties are also provided in that file.

  • <beam name> or beams.insitu_period (int) optional (default 0)

    Period of the beam in-situ diagnostics. 0 means no beam in-situ diagnostics.

  • <beam name> or beams.insitu_file_prefix (string) optional (default "diags/insitu")

    Path of the beam in-situ output. Must not be the same as hipace.file_prefix.

  • <beam name> or beams.insitu_radius (float) optional (default infinity)

    Maximum radius <beam name>.insitu_radius \(= \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\) within which particles are used for the calculation of the insitu diagnostics.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.insitu_period (int) optional (default 0)

    Period of the plasma in-situ diagnostics. 0 means no plasma in-situ diagnostics.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.insitu_file_prefix (string) optional (default "plasma_diags/insitu")

    Path of the plasma in-situ output. Must not be the same as hipace.file_prefix.

  • <plasma name> or plasmas.insitu_radius (float) optional (default infinity)

    Maximum radius <plasma name>.insitu_radius \(= \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\) within which particles are used for the calculation of the insitu diagnostics.

  • fields.insitu_period (int) optional (default 0)

    Period of the field in-situ diagnostics. 0 means no field in-situ diagnostics.

  • fields.insitu_file_prefix (string) optional (default "diags/field_insitu")

    Path of the field in-situ output. Must not be the same as hipace.file_prefix.

  • lasers.insitu_period (int) optional (default 0)

    Period of the laser in-situ diagnostics. 0 means no laser in-situ diagnostics.

  • lasers.insitu_file_prefix (string) optional (default "diags/laser_insitu")

    Path of the laser in-situ output. Must not be the same as hipace.file_prefix.

Additional physics

Additional physics describe the physics modules implemented in HiPACE++ that go beyond the standard electromagnetic equations. This includes ionization (see plasma parameters), binary collisions, and radiation reactions. Since all of these require the actual plasma density, they need a background density in SI units, if the simulation runs in normalized units.

  • hipace.background_density_SI (float) optional

    Background plasma density in SI units. Certain physical modules (collisions, ionization, radiation reactions) depend on the actual background density. Hence, in normalized units, they can only be included, if a background plasma density in SI units is provided using this input parameter.

Binary collisions

WARNING: this module is in development.

HiPACE++ proposes an implementation of [Perez et al., Phys. Plasmas 19, 083104 (2012)], inherited from WarpX, for collisions between plasma-plasma and beam-plasma. As collisions depend on the physical density, in normalized units hipace.background_density_SI must be specified.

  • hipace.collisions (list of strings) optional

    List of names of binary Coulomb collisions. Each will represent collisions between 2 species.

  • <collision name>.species (two strings) optional

    The name of the two species for which collisions should be included. This can either be plasma-plasma or beam-plasma collisions. For plasma-plasma collisions, the species can be the same to model collisions within a species. The names must be in plasmas.names or beams.names (for beam-plasma collisions).

  • <collision name>.CoulombLog (float) optional (default -1.)

    Coulomb logarithm used for this collision. If not specified, the Coulomb logarithm is determined from the temperature in each cell.

Radiation reaction

Whether the energy loss due to classical radiation reaction of beam particles is calculated.

  • <beam name> or beams.do_radiation_reaction (bool) optional (default 0)

    Whether the beam particles undergo energy loss due to classical radiation reaction. The implemented radiation reaction model is based on this publication: M. Tamburini et al., NJP 12, 123005 In normalized units, hipace.background_density_SI must be specified.