Maxwell cluster @ DESY

This page only provides HiPACE++ specific instructions. For more information please visit the Maxwell documentation.

Create a file profile.hipace and source it whenever you log in and want to work with HiPACE++:

module purge
module load maxwell gcc/9.3 openmpi/4
module load maxwell cuda/11.8
module load hdf5/1.10.6
# pick correct GPU setting (this may differ for V100 nodes)
export GPUS_PER_NODE=4
# optimize CUDA compilation for A100
export AMREX_CUDA_ARCH=8.0 # use 8.0 for A100 or 7.0 for V100

Install HiPACE++ (the first time, and whenever you want the latest version):

source profile.hipace
git clone $HOME/src/hipace # only the first time
cd $HOME/src/hipace
rm -rf build
cmake -S . -B build -DHiPACE_COMPUTE=CUDA
cmake --build build -j 16

You can get familiar with the HiPACE++ input file format in our Get started section, to prepare an input file that suits your needs. You can then create your directory on BEEGFS /beegfs/desy/group/<your group> or /beegfs/desy/user/<your username>, where you can put your input file and adapt the following submission script:

#! /usr/bin/env sh
#SBATCH --partition=<partition> # mpa # maxgpu # allgpu
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --constraint=A100&GPUx4 # A100&GPUx1
#SBATCH --job-name=HiPACE
#SBATCH --output=hipace-%j-%N.out
#SBATCH --error=hipace-%j-%N.err

module load maxwell gcc/9.3 openmpi/4 cuda/11.8

mpiexec -n 4 -npernode 4 $HOME/src/hipace/build/bin/hipace inputs

The -npernode must be set to GPUS_PER_NODE, otherwise not all GPUs are used correctly. There are nodes with 4 GPUs and 1 GPU (see the Maxwell documentation on compute infrastructure. for more details and the required constraints). Please set the value accordingly.


Parallel simulations can be largely accelerated by using GPU-aware MPI. To utilize GPU-aware MPI, the input parameter hipace.comms_buffer_on_gpu = 1 must be set and the following flag must be passed in the job script:


Note that using GPU-aware MPI may require more GPU memory.